Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why So Much Hatred?

I came across this article from Time (,8599,1830590,00.html). It talks about how there are some people who think Obama is the anti-Christ. Are you kidding me?!?

He's been an Arab, a muslim, a terrorist and now the Anti-Christ? What's next? Well if we get our way: President of the United States!

This article made me take more notice on the negative campaigning the Republican candidates are indulging in. Sarah Palin in particular. She is stirring up the Republican base with lies which has turned hateful. Is this hatred really necessary?!? Now, don't get me wrong, the Obama/Biden camp has delved into negative campaigning as well, albeit not as intense as the McCain camp, but no hatred has come of it.

On various news channels and on the internet you hear people yelling out, "Off with his head", "Kill him", "Terrorist!". Why? What's the purpose of this? These are the same people who dare call themselves the only true patriots of this country and holy christians. Hypocrites!!! Do they not know what being a real American and Christian is or is there interpretation

I realize a lot of this rhetoric is racially motivated. Lets face it, the demographic at these Republican rallies are predominantly white. Don't get me wrong, I am not, in any way, trying to imply that all Republicans are racists, but I am willing to bet my left nut those statements were spewed out by a white person. Again, I ask, "Why?"

The direction the Republican campaign is heading scares and worries me. What's next? I hope we don't find out.

1 comment:

Mrbochin23 said...

That's why Republicans preferred to face Obama than Hillary Clinton, so they could play the "race" card, look for "Operation Chaos" on Gooogle, it will connect a lot of dots, only thing is it has backfire on the "Republicans", although I see a lot of excitement around Obama campaign, I am still a little "skeptical" because the "Bradley effect"......I will talk about this on my blog soon.