Monday, October 27, 2008

Selfish Republicans!

Lets face it - taxes suck! Do I want to continue paying? Of course I do, but I must stress that our government needs to use our hard earned money more wisely. I don't want it spent on things that do not make our country stronger and more prepared to face an ever changing future. Those days of spending $20,000 on a hammer should be over. We need to hold members of congress more accountable in how they squander our money.

Now I want to talk about Republicans. During this Presidential campaign both candidates have used taxes as one of their points on how to fix the current economic crisis we are going through - from Wall Street to Main Street.

They each have their own take on helping out the middle class, but I won't get into all the details in this rant.

What I do want to talk about is how selfish I think Republicans have been. They seem to be getting worse.

Throughout the Republican rallies one of the many messages the MCain/Palin ticket pushes is 'Country First!' I am all for Country First. What pisses me off is how hypocritical they are. They stand there screaming 'Country First!' but at the same time complain about not wanting to pay taxes.

How often do we hear McCain yell out how Obama wants to 'spread the wealth'? They eat that shit up!!

So let me ask these Republicans: How do you expect to improve our infrastructure, our roads, continue funding the two wars we are engaged in, take care of our veterans, improve our education system and fix the current state of our broken health care system? Taxes!!! That's how you idiots!!

I reiterate: Taxes Suck! Lets be honest, no one really likes to pay them, but again I ask, "How do you expect our country to be more prepared and become stronger?!?" Are Republicans really that selfish?!? It seems that they are.


Mrbochin23 said...

This is one of the main reasons I do not consider my self Democrat anymore, It has been proof over and over that the less taxes the more revenue taxes you will raise (The Laffer Curve), Bill Clinton which arguable has been the best President in the last 20 years understood this him and Ronald Reagan has been the presidents that cut corporate taxes to the lowest (25%) the result was the boom of the tech sector, and for the first time in decades a surplus on Government account which would it be hold for Social Security, but Bush screwed up. Democrats always claim how good Clinton was but the sometimes we forget that he pushed for a smaller government and cutting the social agenda, plus under a crisis like this the last thing you do is raise taxes to anyone. I do not think by any chance that McCain is the answer, but I just hope Obama economic plan is just pure rhetoric, the only country that has highest corporate taxes higher than us is Japan, which has put them into a recession since late 90's and still under pressure.

later I will post a blog about this.

Mrbochin23 said...

Oh, I hope you do not think a I am a Republican, but this is one of the few things that I agree with Republicans. Last Democrat (Jimmy Carter) president that we had that took this tax approach took us to a double digit inflation, and Paul Vocker as the chairman of the Fed.

Lulu said...

Ha! I know you too well to even think you're a Republican. I feel that the days of giving tax breaks to the rich and big corporations because the money will trickle down are over. I have never heard big corporations say, "I am hiring X amount of new people because I made more money than ever and I just got a bigger tax break!" Those profits stay within the company, distributed to top level executives. The employees at the bottom never see any of it. Now, under the Republican administration, companies are getting tax breaks when they send jobs over seas. I am going to give Obama my vote in hopes that he will change that.

Mrbochin23 said...

It’s not about giving tax breaks it’s about the of business and the economy as whole the rich always going to be rich, equality is just a myth, most of the people specially in United States in the country of the opportunities are in the bottom because wants to be in the bottom. It’s many things about raising corporate taxes:
1. You dissimulate economy specially leading into a long recession, corporations will make money no matter what if we squeeze them here, they will easylsy will get out of the country to fiscal paradise countries in Europe or Asia, and then for sure will loose more jobs, look where Boeing is right now ready to collapse.
2. If they make less for sure you won’t get a penny extra, and government in the long run will raise less taxes revenues because business activity will slow down under those taxes policies just look president by president, in the last 30 years and the best results economy wise we had was with Reagan and Clinton.
Another thing we have raise the flag that being rich is a sin, and we are in a tinny line of punishing success. The reasons capitalism triumph over socialism was that it reward your success and incentives you as a person.

Do you think if Steve Jobs or Bill Gates without incentives as more taxes and less revenues will have have the motivation of changing and creating on the daily bases? look at all the things that we have, Regardless of this horrible administration I believe that we have lived the best 25 year economically speaking in history, we have things that people couldn't dream about it a century ago. Just turn around once again and look at Japan why it’s been in a recession for more than 10 years and companies are leaving daily left & right, plus a hyperinflation. Luis I payed in Japan for a Sandwich and a coffee 75 US dollars. Becarful for what you wish for.

Lulu said...

I would never wish for that! I do feel, however, these tax incentives should only be given with conditions. If you hire X amount of employees you get a tax break. If you send jobs over seas, then you don't. Like I said in my last response, big corporations are getting tax breaks and are not creating more jobs. I agree with you, in that this country has had 25 years of economic growth. My concern is with the ever increasing gap between those that have made so much money and those that haven't. Not all of it can be blamed just because the people at the bottom have not had the will to succeed or just want to stay at the bottom.

This same growth is also a reason we are in this current economic crisis. Those making all the money had an aggressive 'more for me' attitude. Now it is biting them in the ass.

The rich who lose money is not the same as the average American losing money. If a rich person loses 40% of his/her $1,000,000 investment they still have $600,000 to play with. I admit it must hurt to lose that kind of money, but it is far from being the same as 'John' losing his $40,000/yr job. At least not to me.

Mrbochin23 said...
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Mrbochin23 said...

that's capitalism at his best, that person that makes 40,000 (which is me), should keep looking for more and more, sky is the limit.

I will explain my point better on blog probably tomorow.

see ya.