Thursday, October 30, 2008


The next President of the United States needs to work on uniting this country. I am sick and tired of the divide that is ripping through this country. Left, right, conservative, liberal, red, blue, Republicans, Democrats - I can continue with labels for ever. Enough. People are taking this to the extreme.

Obama said it best in one of his speeches - "We are not a red America, we're not a blue America. We are the United States of America".


One of the many reasons Obama will get my vote on election day is the belief I have in him to unite this country.

Just listen to him speak.

He is inspirational, one of the many qualities the President of the United States should posses in order to make this country that much better. This country cannot be fixed by our government alone. It requires all of us to do our part to make it better.

Join me on Nov 4 to make this country better.

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