Tuesday, November 4, 2008

WE did it!

America has spoken. It is time for change.

Now we must all come together to get our country back on the right track.

United: A Follow Up

This is what America should be all about. Unity. No matter who you voted for we are all part of this great country called the United States of America.


Yes, WE Can!!!

Today is one of the most historic days I will experience in my lifetime.

I am asking each of you who read this blog (all two of you - lol) to please consider your vote. With the two wars we are engaged in, a failing economy, an education system in disarray, a healthcare system that is short of a joke, the decision we make today will have a tremendous impact in our country's future.

It's no secret I will be voting for Barack Obama. Although I rather you do the same, I will not try to persuade you with this post. I am begging, yes begging, you all to VOTE!!!

Vote for who you think will lead this country in the right direction.

Make sure your friends and family vote too. All our votes count. It matters. More than you think.

Lets get ready to make history.

Thanks to Andrew Sullivan (http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/) for posting this on his blog: