Thursday, October 30, 2008


The next President of the United States needs to work on uniting this country. I am sick and tired of the divide that is ripping through this country. Left, right, conservative, liberal, red, blue, Republicans, Democrats - I can continue with labels for ever. Enough. People are taking this to the extreme.

Obama said it best in one of his speeches - "We are not a red America, we're not a blue America. We are the United States of America".


One of the many reasons Obama will get my vote on election day is the belief I have in him to unite this country.

Just listen to him speak.

He is inspirational, one of the many qualities the President of the United States should posses in order to make this country that much better. This country cannot be fixed by our government alone. It requires all of us to do our part to make it better.

Join me on Nov 4 to make this country better.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Selfish Republicans!

Lets face it - taxes suck! Do I want to continue paying? Of course I do, but I must stress that our government needs to use our hard earned money more wisely. I don't want it spent on things that do not make our country stronger and more prepared to face an ever changing future. Those days of spending $20,000 on a hammer should be over. We need to hold members of congress more accountable in how they squander our money.

Now I want to talk about Republicans. During this Presidential campaign both candidates have used taxes as one of their points on how to fix the current economic crisis we are going through - from Wall Street to Main Street.

They each have their own take on helping out the middle class, but I won't get into all the details in this rant.

What I do want to talk about is how selfish I think Republicans have been. They seem to be getting worse.

Throughout the Republican rallies one of the many messages the MCain/Palin ticket pushes is 'Country First!' I am all for Country First. What pisses me off is how hypocritical they are. They stand there screaming 'Country First!' but at the same time complain about not wanting to pay taxes.

How often do we hear McCain yell out how Obama wants to 'spread the wealth'? They eat that shit up!!

So let me ask these Republicans: How do you expect to improve our infrastructure, our roads, continue funding the two wars we are engaged in, take care of our veterans, improve our education system and fix the current state of our broken health care system? Taxes!!! That's how you idiots!!

I reiterate: Taxes Suck! Lets be honest, no one really likes to pay them, but again I ask, "How do you expect our country to be more prepared and become stronger?!?" Are Republicans really that selfish?!? It seems that they are.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why So Much Hatred?

I came across this article from Time (,8599,1830590,00.html). It talks about how there are some people who think Obama is the anti-Christ. Are you kidding me?!?

He's been an Arab, a muslim, a terrorist and now the Anti-Christ? What's next? Well if we get our way: President of the United States!

This article made me take more notice on the negative campaigning the Republican candidates are indulging in. Sarah Palin in particular. She is stirring up the Republican base with lies which has turned hateful. Is this hatred really necessary?!? Now, don't get me wrong, the Obama/Biden camp has delved into negative campaigning as well, albeit not as intense as the McCain camp, but no hatred has come of it.

On various news channels and on the internet you hear people yelling out, "Off with his head", "Kill him", "Terrorist!". Why? What's the purpose of this? These are the same people who dare call themselves the only true patriots of this country and holy christians. Hypocrites!!! Do they not know what being a real American and Christian is or is there interpretation

I realize a lot of this rhetoric is racially motivated. Lets face it, the demographic at these Republican rallies are predominantly white. Don't get me wrong, I am not, in any way, trying to imply that all Republicans are racists, but I am willing to bet my left nut those statements were spewed out by a white person. Again, I ask, "Why?"

The direction the Republican campaign is heading scares and worries me. What's next? I hope we don't find out.

Monday, October 13, 2008


OK, so I'm watching the Giants/Browns game on Monday Night Football and I am beyond peeved. The defense is just giving the ball away and the offense is not on point at all. The score is NYG 14 CLE 27 in the 4th qtr. They are not playing like the champions they are. They need to get their act together.

F'ing great, as I am posting this Eli throws his third interception of the game which they returned for a touchdown. So make that Cleveland 34.


Friday, October 10, 2008

An Introduction

I must admit, this is all new to me. I have never blogged before. To be honest, not sure in what direction this will head.

I decided to start blogging so I can voice the opinions I have in my head.

Those who know me well say I am a very opinionated and blunt person. I don't see myself that way, but if more than one of my friends are telling me the same thing there must be some validity to it. I guess I have something to say about what I see, what I hear, what I feel and what should just be common sense.

Before I continue, I want to thank a good friend of mine and fellow blogger, Miguel Andujar ( He is one of the reasons why I decided to give this a try. I enjoy reading his blog. I may not agree with everything he has to say, but I look forward to what he writes.

I hope that as you read this you will come to understand how and what I think when it comes to parenting, the world, religion, politics and an array of other subjects I, as my friends say, have an opinion for.

I think of myself a very open minded person on all subjects. On the political side of my life I'm a democrat. I wouldn't exactly call myself a leftist, though. I believe in the right to bear arms, hunting (when it's for consumption, not gaming), having government stay out of my bedroom and the decisions I make as a responsible citizen of this great country.

I base my opinions on what I read on the internet, magazines, newspapers,books and blogs. I watch the news (i.e. CNN, local news, etc), news shows (i.e. Meet the Press, Larry King, etc) and political shows (i.e. Real Time with Bill Maher) on a regular basis.

Most of all I ask a lot of questions.

I have read and been told one of the ways to succeed in life, is to surround yourself with successful people I enjoy picking the brains of those who I do and don't admire. I like to be fair about everything (I've been called very diplomatic in a job review once). At the end of the day, most of what I hope to write about is just from common sense.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you enjoy what I have to say.

P.S. - Don't hesitate to leave me a comment. If you would like to discuss a subject I have written about in more detail, please contact me. I will be happy to share my thoughts as well as listen to yours.

Always me,